Dorothy Waide is New Zealand’s most experienced baby sleep consultant
with over 45 years of experience.

I have over 21 years of in-home 24/7 care worldwide as a postpartum care provider and certainly know about sleep deprivation for parents.
My background qualification is as a Karitane Mothercraft Nurse, and I qualified in 1973.

I take a holistic approach to my work, embracing gentle parenting practices involving minimal crying while taking into account individual families’ needs,
environments, lifestyles, latest research, and mixing the old with the new to get the best outcome for your baby with their sleep.

I am the author of two books: ‘You Simply Can’t Spoil a Newborn’ and ‘Simply Parenting: 12 Weeks to 12 Months’. I have a third book in the pipeline: ‘Simply Parenting Over 12 Months.’

I also work alongside professional groups who are wanting to upskill their methods, and provide speaking services for organisations
dealing with parents and babies’ sleep, feeding, and food.

Her philosophy is simple:

“I firmly believe that there is no one perfect way of dealing with babies, as each baby is different. My only non-negotiables are quality sleep and good feeding/food – twin pillars for a happy, nurtured baby.”

Pre 2010

I have over 21 years of in-home 24/7 care worldwide as a postpartum care provider and certainly know about sleep deprivation for parents. My background qualification is as a Karitane Mothercraft Nurse, and I qualified in 1973.

I take a holistic approach to my work, embracing gentle, nuturing parenting practices involving minimal crying while taking into account individual families’ needs, environments, lifestyles, latest research, and mixing the old with the new to get the best outcome for your baby with their sleep.

I believe that parents and babies are all different and require different approaches where all babies will have a slightly different routine as one routine does not suit all.

I have also trained nannies and au pairs for the families I worked with when required.

My nurturing approach in calming the most unsettled babies reached the ears of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones when they had their first baby. After spending many months with them, I was later asked back to help care for their second baby.

They said, “We can honestly say we never found a baby-related problem that Dorothy was unable to solve. Her enormous sense of warmth, love and a down-to-earth philosophy always made us feel safe in our role as parents.”

From 2010 to now

I returned to NZ in 2010 and set up my Baby Help consultancy, dedicated to supporting parents holistically from new-borns to toddlers with sleep, nutrition and feeding. As well as supporting parents through the testy, territorial 2’s which includes toilet training and positive parenting. My business went live on the 1st September 2010 and in 2015 I wrote my first book You Simply Can’t Spoil a Newborn: The essential Kiwi guide to nurturing your baby in the first three months, which became a bestseller and is in its 5th reprint. In 2020 I wrote my second book Simply Parenting from 12 weeks to 12 months, and am currently writing my third book on 12 months and beyond.

To go alongside my books, I created 5 extensive tutorial videos that include settling, burping, swaddling, feeding, changing and bathing that are available to purchase individually or as a bundle.

Since 2010, I have also been a guest speaker throughout New Zealand for many different organisations and groups.

In the beginning, having had no prior speaking experience, I have memories of being ‘thrown into the deep-end’ so to speak, as being a speaker not only requires knowledge but also etiquette. While I am known as a person who speaks their mind, it was definitely a steep learning curve for me as my directness was occasionally mistaken as criticism towards a parent. I’ve learnt to be very mindful now when on stage and I love the opportunity to talk about my passion and help parents to find and nurture their own innate parenting styles.

I’ve also spoken and continue to speak at various baby shows including Auckland Baby Show (for the past 11 years), Whangarei and Wellington. As well as the Baby Expo, in the Bay of Plenty and Dunedin. In 2024 I’ll also be presenting at the Hamilton and Wellington Baby Expo’s.

Other guest speaking events have been at: Dimples by Jane Anne, Global Baby, Baby on the Move – Auckland and Tauranga, Langham’s Hotel – Tea Party, Tauranga City Council, New Shoot’s Children’s Centres, and Multiples Auckland.

I also presented at the Healthcare Professional Education Event on Colic, called ‘Constipation in Infants’ with Dr Peter Nobbs. A definite highlight!

And finally, from 2011 to 2022 I was OHbaby! Magazine’s sleep expert advisor and speaker at their ‘Coffee Catchups’ and Live Facebook sessions on a monthly basis. My USB tutorial videos are included in OHbaby!’s online Ante Natal course.

in the media

Consultancy work

Consultancy work is my bread and butter if you like. And something I relish. The opportunity to connect directly with parents and care-givers is a privilege.

Over my expansive career, I have come to understand the challenges faced at home by parents, and over the recent years, I’ve worked more and more with solo parents, and parents struggling with mental health difficulties too. My consultancy work allowed me to create my books where I drew on this experience to provide information that would make sense to the average kiwi family – straight forward and nurturing. My own approach is holistic, gentle parenting with the best of techniques from the past and the present that involve minimal crying and also respect the needs of individual families.

To be honest, when I first started, I would have sleepless nights if I was unable to support a family long distance and get results but I slowly learned that my business is not about ‘my success rate’ but rather it is about the family’s. I truly believe that when supporting parents with sleep, nutrition and feeding practices that it needs to work for their environment and the parents need to accomplish what they are working for.

I appreciate how much it takes to modify how someone is parenting, time and commitment is difficult when one is sleep deprived and stressed out. Change takes time and my favourite saying is to take baby steps and you will get there.

I have helped a lot of families (people often ask how many) but I gave up counting years ago as it’s not about numbers it’s about giving good support to parents.

I work around NZ long distance, offer in-home consultations and also work world-wide long distance.

Workshops/Coffee Groups

For several years I taught educational workshops with parent centres around the country, such as the West Auckland Parents Centre for their ‘Baby and You’ sessions, Onewa Parents Centre and the Essential Baby Help Workshops in Auckland. I’ve also been involved in upskilling workshops and guest speaking for Porse, as well as a number of other government departments.

I continue to offer my services to parenting groups, charities, organisations and governmental agencies as I believe there is great value to be found in sharing expertise and experience with a view to upskill and mentor the workforce tasked with supporting parents.

And happily from time to time, I speak with small local coffee groups, something I love immensely.


TV Show appearances
Breakfast, AM show, The Cafe, Whanau Living, 7 Sharp, The Project

Magazine articles written for:
NZ Women’s Weekly, New Idea, Australia Womens Weekly, and have written blogs for Porse, Eco Store, Think Wise, The Sunday Star-Times, Bump&Baby, Parenting Magazine, NZ Herald,, Kiwi Parent, Little Treasures, OHbaby! Magazine

Radio interviews
Newstalk ZB Parenting Squad on a regular basis since August 2020, Radio Rheema, Radio Dunedin, The Breeze Dunedin, More FM Taupo, More FM, Radio Live, Radio NZ.